A few weeks ago, we invited Sarah from Things Sarah Loves to one of our Introduction to Aromatherapy workshops.
Here is an extract of the post she wrote. The whole post and the rest of her lovely blog can be found here. All pictures were taken by Sarah.

The Introduction to Aromatherapy was the perfect class for me because beyond my knowledge that lavender helps you sleep (and I’ve now learned that’s not entirely true by the way), you’re not going to get much else out of me. Or at least, that was the case. Sitting around the table, Mags talked us through the most popular oils highlighting their benefits and throwing in a little bit of history (which for a history nerd like me, was glorious). As we passed bottles around oohing and ahhing over our favourite scents, I started taking note of which ones I liked and may use later in my spray and/or roller-ball. To find myself getting excited about essential oils was a welcome surprise.
For my spray, I knew I wanted to create something warm and romantic (okay, anyone who knows me will say how out of character this is for me but what can I say?) because the oils I was most drawn to were vetiver and rose. As I started adding drops to my distilled water (whilst noting down how many drops of each oil I used on my recipe card – very important) I suddenly felt nervous. What if I was doing it all wrong? What if I was pairing oils that just didn’t work together? How the hell can I novice like me create her own recipe? Mags was quick to reassure me to go with my instincts, not doubt myself and to enjoy the process of experimenting because that’s the beauty of essential oils. Yes, she did guide me in the direction of certain oils (and she has hundreds beyond what was on the table but naturally, didn’t want to overwhelm us beginners) but not to be scared because if I didn’t like it, we’d start over and over, and over if need be! I have no doubt Mags would have stayed there all night until we had each made sprays we were happy with! It was in that moment, I realised just how much The Divine Hag means to her.

Once our sprays were complete, we stopped for a tea and cake break (Mags has a seriously impressive tea selection and coming from someone like me, that’s really saying something) before we got started on our roller-balls. In such short space of time, I couldn’t believe how comfortable I’d started to feel experimenting with the oils (look, I’m someone who needs to follow a recipe to a T so for me, this is a big deal) and I knew exactly what I wanted to create. Having recently fallen in love with the gym, I wanted a roller-ball to give me that get-up-and-go I could use just before heading to work out. I wanted something citrusy, zesty and that offered what I now refer to as the ‘whoosh factor’. And with guidance from Mags, I did it. Seriously, I’m glad I’ve got the recipe for this bad boy because it’s not the last time I’ll be making it!